Our Dedication of Love to Each Other

Once Again The Bishop Speaks .......Thou come before us as two, by your words and deeds Ye will be united as one. For your words shall be cast in stone of which no sword may penetrate. For if thy love is true only god himself can put aside what Ye do here this day. Lady Cas Sambets have you words that bestow your love and devotion to Lord Paul Styrcula?....




Cas's words written by


A Gift Of Poetry


Lady Cas Speaks......Hello, my knight in shining amour,
You've saved me from the dragon's lair,
And when I gaze into your eyes,
I see my hero standing there.

That lovely warm night we first met,
I skated into your life,
Today I stand so very proud,
that I'm about to become your wife.

You have bought so much love into my life,
I've never known a man so wonderful and giving,
you've simply made my life complete,
and all the better for living.

You are indeed a bold and handsome Knight;
A father, a son, my friend, and lover,
I don't know how you find the time,
but I do know that I love you like no other.

The way that you've always looked at me,
oh the love on your face positively shows,
it makes me feel so very warm inside,
it warms my heart, my soul, my very toes.

It would be called Oxygen,
if our love was an air to breathe.
It would be the collective hopes of the world,
if our love was a dream to believe.

And it would be called the Universe,
if our love was the stars above,
and it is the only wish for myself today
to marry this man with that love.

And Paul, I promise you a lifetime of passion and commitment,
with you I feel so completely whole,
I love not only the man, you all see here
but the body, the heart and the soul.

The Bishop speaks again.....Lord Paul Styrcula have you words that bestow your love and devotion to The  Lady Cas Sambets?....

Lord Paul speaks........My Lady Cas,
I Accept the things to which fate binds me and I do so with all my heart.
By the Spirit that Lives within me I am bound to be true to who I am for I can be no other.
Today this Moment Changes all Things and I pledge to be true to who I will become.
I pledge to live by the Love within me that Yearns for you.
I pledge My Heart and Soul to you My Lady Cas.


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